Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Numerical Ability QUESTION 

1. The sum of three consecutive natural numbers each
divisible by 3 is 72. What is the largest among them?
1. 25 2. 26 3. 27
4. 30 5. 26
Answer: (3)

2. The numerator of a non-zero rational number is five less
than the denominator. If the denominator is increased
by eight and the numerator is doubled, then again we
get the same rational number. The required rational
number is:
1. 1/8 2. 4/9 3. 2/8
4. 3/8 5. 3/8
Answer: (5)

3. Find the greatest number that will divide 640, 710 and
1526 so as to leave 11, 7, 9 as remainders respectively.
1. 36 2. 37
3. 42 4. 29
5. 47
Answer: (2)

4. Jayesh is as much younger than Anil as he is older than
Prashant. If the sum of the ages of Anil and Prashant is
48 years, what is Jayesh’s age in years?
1. 29 2. 30 3. 24
4. 25 5. 28
Answer: (3)
5. A bag contains one rupee, 50-paise and 25-paise coins
in the ratio 2 : 3 5. Their total value is Rs. 114. The
value of 50 paise coins is:
1. Rs. 28 2. Rs. 36
3. Rs. 49 4. Rs. 72
5. Rs. 50
Answer: (1)

6. A tempo is insured to the extent of 4 5 of its original
value. If the premium on it at the rate of 1.3 percent
amounts to Rs. 910, the original value of the tempo is:
1. Rs. 78,000 2. Rs. 78,500
3. Rs. 80,000 4. Rs. 85,000
5. Rs. 87,500
Answer: (5)

7. By selling 45 lemons for Rs. 40, a man loses 20%. How
many should he sell for Rs. 24 to gain 20% in the
1. 19 2. 18 3. 24
4. 22 5. 23
Answer: (2)

8. In a ratio, which is equal to 3 : 4, if the antecedent is 12,
then the consequent is:
1. 10 2. 16 3. 20
4. 22 5. 18
Answer: (2)

9. A, B and C are employed to do a piece of work for Rs.
529. A and B together are supposed to do 19/23 of the
work and B and C together 8/23 of the work. What
amount should A be paid?
1. Rs. 320 2. Rs. 345 3. Rs. 355 4.
Rs. 380 5. None of these
Answer: (2)

10. A boy rides his bicycle 10 km at an average speed of 12
km/hr and again travels 12 km at an average speed of
10 km/hr. His average speed for the entire trip is
approximately :
1. 10.4 km/hr 2. 10.8 km/hr
3. 12 km/hr 4. 14 km/hr
5. 13 km/hr
Answer: (2)

12. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at
simple interest, but he includes the interest every six
months for calculating the principal. If he is charging
an interest of 10%, the effective rate of interest
1. 13% 2. 10.25% 3. 15%
4. 11% 5. None of these
Answer: (2)

13. A towel, when bleached, was found to have lost 20% of
its length and 10% of its breadth. The percentage of
decrease in area is:
1. 11% 2. 12% 3. 20%
4. 28% 5. 33%
Answer: (4)

14. What is the difference in exports between the periods
March to May and June to August (in $ million)?
1. 418 2. 592 3. 5790
4. 585 5. None of these
Answer: (4)

15. If the exports of company B in the year 2003 were Rs.
77 crore, then, what were the imports of the company
in that year?
1. 86 crore 2. 107.5 crore
3. 103.95 crore 4. 101 crore
5. None of these
Answer: (3)

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